Relationship and Intimate Partner Counseling
Exploring and Enhancing Intimacy in Human Connection
Emotionally Focused Therapy
Is a modality that has been researched and empirically studied to show an increase in overall relationship satisfaction for couples that last beyond the standard six months. Angela has devoted hundreds of hours learning and applying Emotionally Focused Therapy with couples- and it works!
Being in relationship Takes work
Sometimes there are difficult conversations to be had. Just like any endeavor to better yourself, there will be growing pains. And knowing this, your heart still longs for something different, a new relationship that feels good, that reflects who you really are on the inside.
A place to start
Choosing couples counseling can be daunting. Here are some resources to start you on the right footing.
PolySecure: Attachment,Trauma and Consensual NonMonogamy by Jessica Fern
Podcast: The Relationship Show with Naomi Rather and Deborah Curtis
Book: Getting the Love You Want' by Harville and Helen Hedrix
Want more? Contact me~I'm happy to help you find the resources that fit your relationship.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”